
Thursday 19 October 2017

Things I Want to Change About Myself

The 'S.S. Kate', because one of my pen friends is adorable.

This is a list! A short list of things I want to change about myself:

Get off antidepressants
-it's time and I think I'm ready. If you guys want to hear more then let me know and I'll be open about everything.
Be able to code for simple physics
-it would make my job so much easier if I knew what physics would do before it did it!

Cut my hair short?
-I've been almost sitting on it for years now and fancy a bit of a change
Have a six-pack (of abs, not beer!)
-I know it's there, just need to go the final push and lose the last centimeter
Give blood whenever I can
-this was important to me, but I keep making excuses
Get a tattoo
-it's my body and I want to make a mark on it
Stretch my ear lobes
-being brave and looking a little different
More piercings
-as above

There are many more 'physical' than 'mental' items which I know may seem shallow. But on the whole I'm happy with myself and doing well in the great ol' journey of life. I feel like it's just time to make my mental self image line up more with what the rest of the world sees. I couldn't tell you exactly what that is, but it involves not being a little girl any more. All a part of growing up I suppose.

Limpet x

Sunday 8 October 2017

Optics on the Surface of Mars

You know sometimes when I don't post for a while it's because I feel uninspired or I just haven't done much worthy of posting or there's so much going on in real life.

I just wanted to say that I am so happy. I'm doing my year in industry placement and I get to play with lasers and improve things that make an actual difference. My company has optical fibers on the surface of Mars for goodness sake, I'm doing real proper science!

I'm doing as well as humanly possible there, I love making my own experiments. I love talking to everyone from all different backgrounds and hearing how they got there. On Monday I'm going on a field trip to the National Physical Laboratory in London, and they're sending me on my own! I'm so looking forward to the future. Just a few short months at university afterwards and then I'm free!

I hope everything is hunky-dory with you too,

Limpet x