
Reading List

I have decided to do away with the reading list on this blog and instead start using Goodreads. You're all welcome to add me as a friend, please give me lots of book recommendations!

My 2016 reading list! Introductory post here. Not particularly organised, and as you can see I went on a bit of a sci-fi binge. I also haven't kept track of when I've been finishing these...

Current 2016 reading count: 36 (plus the ones I've forgotten about)

Soon to be updated with pretty pictures!

You can tell I'm a scientist from my book collection.

I've put the books in bold so they stand out a bit from my other purple writing.

(Isaac Asimov's Foundation series: -If anyone sees you reading sci-fi: "oh, have you read the Foundation series?")

1. Foundation, Isaac Asimov (1951) -The hype is justified though, trust me.
2. Foundation and Empire, Isaac Asimov (1952)
3. Second Foundation, Isaav Asmiov (1953)

(Asimov's short stories:)

4. iRobot, Isaac Asimov (1950) -Not, as I thought when I bought it, the book of the film. A happy mistake nonetheless.
5. The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories, Isaac Asimov (1976) So many tears for the plight of the robots. And stop adding stupid love triangles to the film adaptations of amazing books like this, please!

(Frank Herbert's Dune series:)

6. Dune, Frank Herbert (1965) -Oh man, this whole series is just amazing.
7. Dune Messiah, Frank Herbert (1969)
8. Children of Dune, Frank Herbert (1976)

(Other sci-fi:)

9. The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus, Brian Aldiss (1973)
10. Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes (1966) -The first sci-fi novel that started this addiction. One of the lesser known ones but an 
11. Against Infinity, Gregory Benford (2013) -Kinda old English but good once it gets going.

(Big beautiful hardback books:)
I mean, just look how lovely these are. Featuring baby cthulhu.

12.The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, H. P. Lovecraft (2014)
13. The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe (2010)
14. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories, Lewis Carroll (2010)
15. The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales, Various (2015)

(Biology/evolution/physics books:)

16. The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins (1976) -If you're at all interested in biology or evolution or crazy bugs then get this! Too many interesting bits to remember so I could read this again and again.
17. The Extended Phenotype, Richard Dawkins (1982)
18. The Magic of Reality, Richard Dawkins (2011)
19. Ball Pythons, Lance Jepson (2012)
20. The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (1859)
21. Knocking on Heaven's Door, Lisa Randall (2012)
22. The Particle at the End of the Universe, Sean Carroll (2013)

(Gillian Flynn: -So easy to read these in one sitting and I can't really fault any of them. They're so creepy and mysterious and thought-provoking.)

23. Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn (2012)
24. Sharp Objects, Gillian Flynn (2006)
25. Dark Places, Gillian Flynn (2009)
26. The Grownup, Gillian Flynn (2015) -Ok, so this is only a short story, but some of the other books I've been reading should count for 3 or 4!

(Miscellaneous stuff from my bookshelf that I can't think of a category for:)

27.The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey (2011) -This one was so good I wrote a post about it back in February.
28.Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh (1993)
29.One Thousand and One Nights, Hanan Al-Shaykh (1993) -The never ending stories as told by Shahrazad to stop herself from being executed. All the stories flow into each other beautifully and it transports you to another world. I read this while in Morocco and while I wouldn't have normally chosen it it's now one of my favourites.
30.Shallow Grave, John Hodge (1994) -Screenplays still count as books.
31.1001 Years of Annoying the French, Stephen Clarke (2015) -This was hugely entertaining and I'm not usually a fan of history books.
32.1984, George Orwell (1949)
33.A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (1932)
30.The Wrecker, Clive Cussler (2009)
35. A Brief History of the Samurai, Jonathan Clements (2010)
36. The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde (1890)

(Zombie books: -I was having zombie nightmares after some of these)

37. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Seth Grahame-Smith (2009) -I actually didn't like this at all, the zombies were just sort of shoe-horned in and didn't add anything witty or interesting.
38. Patient Zero, Jonathan Maberry (2009) -So so scary
39. Rot and Ruin, Jonathan Maberry (2010)
40. Dust and Decay, Jonathan Maberry (2011)
41. Flesh and Bone, Jonathan Maberry (2012)
42. Fire and Ash, Jonathan Maberry (2013) -This series of four is meant for 'young adults' but they were a bit of a guilty pleasure.
43. The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks (2003) -Just in case...
44. The Giant Book of Zombies, Stephen Jones (1995) -A really old anthology of zombie short stories, which were mostly hilarious.

Reading with the animals!

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